This is the story of Fahimeh Akbari, a leading lady in the musical and cultural history of Iran, an exceptional talent whose magical voice and unique style enriched both the folklore and urban musical landscapes of Iran, a pioneer who breathed new life into the music scene by introducing and marrying European tunes and rhythms with that of Gilan, Iran. Fahimeh Akbari, a figure so remarkable and revolutionary that her marked absence seems almost mythical. A familiar tale of a female artist mysteriously forgotten and seemingly erased from history books.
Azadeh Bizargiti
Bizargiti’s oeuvre includes directing, research, and producing a series of long and short documentaries, as well as authoring a number of articles on literature, women and cinema. An Angle Over My Right Shoulder (2011), the Scent of Lemon at Dawn (2014), Hidden Half (2016) and Waterfolk (2019) are noted as some of her documentaries.